
eBay fined for selling fake Louis Vuitton goods online

PARIS (AFP) - A Paris court on Monday ordered Internet auctioneer eBay to pay 40 million euros (63 million dollars) in damages to Louis Vuitton for selling fake luxury goods online. The commercial court also barred eBay from selling four perfume brands -- Christian Dior, Kenzo, Givenchy and Guerlain -- in the ruling intended to send a strong message about copyright protection.

Beer Powered Cars at the Democratic Convention


Microsoft After Gates. (And Bill After Microsoft.)

The icon of the tech world will focus on philanthropy as the company he founded faces turbulent seas.


SoftBank Mobile Corp's robot-shaped mobile phone "Phone Braver 815T PB"

Toshiba's new Softbank 815T PB is the robot/cellphone hybrid I would've dreamed of if cellphones had been around when I was a kid. It's made for an upcoming Japanese TV drama called Ketai Sousakan 7 and it really does transform, Transformers-like, into a robot toy complete with tiny bunched fists.

I think it's way too weird but you gotta hand it to the Japanese for always being creative.

'Rembrandt Laughing' is self-portrait

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The auction house thought the portrait was a 17th century Rembrandt knockoff, and valued it at just $3,100. But the British buyer who paid about 1,500 times more than that apparently knew what he was doing. Experts have confirmed "Rembrandt Laughing" — bought for a bargain price of $4.5 million at an English auction house in October — is a self-portrait by the Dutch master himself, depicted with his head tilted back in easygoing laughter.

Isn't that something.


Investors Plot Comeback for Michael Jackson

The Bryant Park Project, June 16, 2008 - Private-equity firms are known for taking calculated risks — they are frequently willing to invest when the rest of the market is afraid to. That courage extends to the entertainment business, where one group is said to have eyes on a Michael Jackson revival. Colony Capital, which owns the Las Vegas Hilton and is a major shareholder in Station Casinos, is reportedly in talks with Jackson about bringing a show to Las Vegas.

This might turn out to be a good thing.

E-Mail at Work: Tips to Keep You Out of Trouble, June 18, 2008 · Ever wonder whether your boss is looking over your shoulder as you write e-mails from work? You're not being paranoid. Companies large and small have turned to monitoring employee e-mail, looking for everything from proprietary data leaks to cyberslacking. E-mail creates the electronic equivalent of DNA evidence, according to the ePolicy Institute, which conducted, along with the American Management Association, surveys of e-mail monitoring among U.S companies. That means your electronic paper trail can be restored and reviewed — and can also be retrieved as part of a future lawsuit's discovery process.


Toyota hybrid battery outpaced by demand

TOKYO - Toyota is struggling to keep up with booming demand for its hybrid vehicles because it can't make enough of the batteries that are key parts in the hit "green" cars, a senior executive said Monday. The crunch is likely to remain the rest of the year, as battery production can't be boosted until next year, said Toyota Motor Corp. Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada, who oversees production at Japan's top automaker.

Ex-CEO of Broadcom pleads not guilty on 21 charges

SANTA ANA, Calif. - Broadcom co-founder Henry T. Nicholas III pleaded not guilty Monday to federal drug and securities fraud charges. The 48-year-old billionaire entered the pleas to 21 counts contained in two indictments unsealed June 5.
One indictment details what authorities claim was one of the largest stock-option backdating cases in U.S. history while Nicholas led the giant computer chip company.


NBC News’ Tim Russert Dies

NEW YORK, New York --
Tim Russert, who pointedly but politely questioned hundreds of the powerful and influential as moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” died Friday of an apparent heart attack.
The network’s Washington bureau chief was 58.


Smoking Tied to Memory Loss in Middle Age

(HealthDay News) -- Middle-aged smokers are more prone to memory problems than their non-smoking peers, a new French study suggests. "Dementia is rare among middle-aged people, but cognitive function at this age in closely related to dementia," said lead researcher Severine Sabia, of the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale in Villejuif, France. "Our results show that smoking is associated with poorer cognition and decline over five years.

Health research findings change so often you can't help but be skeptical. Today smoking is the cause, tomorrow it's going to be due to a lack of tomatoes in your diet.


High costs land on school cafeteria trays

When America’s schoolchildren return to class in the fall, they will learn a painful lesson in economics: Higher food and fuel prices are forcing up the price of school breakfasts and lunches across the country, by as much as 50 percent in some districts.
What's new? These rising prices are affecting the world at large.

Apple iPhone encore expected

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - June has arrived and for Apple Inc (AAPL.O) fans and investors that means just one thing -- a new iPhone. The encore to the original iPhone, which launched nearly a year ago amid unprecedented industry buzz, is widely expected to be the main attraction when Chief Executive Steve Jobs takes the stage at Apple's developers' conference on Monday.
Here we go again...


'Bigger, Stronger Faster*' Explores the World of Steroid Use

Chris Bell, the creator of "‘Bigger, Stronger, Faster", is part of a family which grew up on steroids. The filmmaker, who considered steroid use as being cheating, has seen his brothers taking the anabolic drug and then surpassing his physical capacities without anything bad happening to them.
I say the signs are not yet evident. Besides, he looks disgusting.


United slashes staff, planes as it tries to save money

CHICAGO - United Airlines said Wednesday that it's cutting up to 1,100 more jobs, removing an additional 70 fuel-guzzling airplanes from its fleet and slashing domestic capacity as it tries to cope with spiraling fuel prices.

The nation's No. 2 carrier said it plans to cut an additional 900 to 1,100 salaried, contract and management employees by the end of the year, in addition to 500 previously announced job reductions. The combined reductions mean the airline is cutting nearly 3 percent of its 55,000 workers worldwide.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment.


Clinton: Open to being Obama's vice president

WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton has told congressional colleagues she would be open to becoming Barack Obama's vice presidential nominee, saying she would consider it if it would help Democrats win the White House.

I must commend her determination but it's about time she threw in the towel.

For frugalists, bargain hunting is a lifestyle

For these extreme anti-consumers, your trash is their food, furniture

It’s an unseasonably cold day in Seattle, and Rebecca is standing in her kitchen, preparing for her regular Sunday afternoon outing. As she gathers her backpack and grocery bags, her dog sniffs around excitedly, anticipating the long walk and treats that await.
In the course of their errands, Rebecca and her dog will visit several stores and coffee shops, a bakery and a chocolate factory. But instead of walking in the front door, she plans to head out back and go Dumpster diving.

It's one thing to see homeless, jobless poor folks rumaging through your garbage in the hopes of finding something to eat, etc but another when people with jobs, homes and cars are doing it. It all comes down to whatever it takes to save an extra buck and/or cut back on spending.

We often talk about hight prices and food, clothes, gas becoming so expensive but we are probably one of the most wasteful nations in the world. How else are these "anti-consumers" able to eat and even furnish their homes for free?


The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos

You’ve seen these tech logos everywhere, but have you ever wondered how they came to be? Did you know that Apple’s original logo was Isaac Newton under an apple tree? Or that Nokia’s original logo was a fish?
This is so great and a nice history lesson.

Businessman to shower money to sell book

JAKARTA (Reuters) - An Indonesian businessman will throw 100 million rupiah ($10,740) from an airplane on Sunday as part of a marketing ploy for his second book, organizers said.
Tung Desem Waringin, author and motivational speaker whose first book was a bestseller, is known for his unorthodox marketing methods.
A spokesman for the organizers, Diki Sidik, said Jakarta police had refused to issue a permit for the event but Tung would go ahead with the plan outside the capital.
"Rather than spend a lot of money for unsuccessful marketing, better give the money to the people," Sidik said.

Wachovia CEO out at board's request

NEW YORK ( -- Wachovia Corp. chief executive officer Ken Thompson will step down at the request of the bank's board, it was announced Monday, marking the latest CEO casualty of the credit crunch.
Thompson, a 32-year veteran at the Charlotte-based bank, will be replaced on an interim basis by Lanty Smith, the firm's current chairman.
Wachovia (WB, Fortune 500) shares fell more than 2% in premarket trading on the news.
It's amazing how you can be at the top of your game today and trailing behing the next.