
BUS200- Chapter 1 Review

Management is the process of working with & through other to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment. It involves managing people, finances, technology
Management is said to be a social process.

Some managers fail in areas such as communication, skill level, adapting to change, meeting business objectives and/or spending too much time micro managing employees.

The difference between effectiveness and efficiency is that effectiveness entails achieving a stated organizational objective whilst, efficiency refer to the resources used to achieved an objective against what was actually accomplished. There must be a balance between the two in order to receive the best outcome.

Managers are required to be able to make the best of limited resources such as land, labor and capital, as well as adapt to a changing environment( being able to adapt and adjust to changing circumstances).

Offshoring or outsourcing is the practice of sending jobs to low-wage countries.

5 sources of change affecting managers today
Globalization- international business. This forces managers to become more culturally diverse and more competitive within the international market.
Product quality evolution- The fix-it approach to quality & The inspect-it-in approach to quality which basically dealt with addressing and fixing problems after they have occurred. Whilst The build-it-in approach to quality and The design-it-in approach to quality more effectively tries to foresee and address problems before they occur.
Environmentalism- in the past it was jobs versus the environment. Now a healthy environment is helping to create jobs. Finding a better way of doing business without harming the environment.
Ethical Reawakening- managers are under heavy attack and scrutiny by the public and other groups to maintain certain standards.
E-Business & the Internet- the internet has become an outlet for businesses/ managers to conduct business transactions, as well as buy and sell goods/services to potential consumers.